From An Upper Cervical Chiropractic Perspective



Sciatica, headaches, and being able to see the changes

My headaches are virtually gone. Every now and then I’ll just get a very mild headache, but nothing to the degree that I was experiencing before. And the same basically with the sciatic problems and the hip pain. I will experience a twinge of pain every now and then, but I have no problems walking, or getting up and down the stairs, and things like that, that I was feeling before.

Sciatica, headaches, and being able to see the changes Read More »

Headache article by physical therapy center reveals strength of upper cervical chiropractic approach

Finally, physical therapists are saying what chiropractors have said for decades. A physical rehabiliation center says the cause of most headache pain is a problem in the neck. For this they prescribe joint mobilization, exercises, and rehab to correct neck posture, as described in this news column. For those suffering

Headache article by physical therapy center reveals strength of upper cervical chiropractic approach Read More »

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