Presenting Concerns:
- Spinal pain and neck pain for seven months before first appointment
- Pain worse after lifting at work
- Feels older than she believes she should feel
Physical Trauma:
- Memorable fall off bed at age two
- Multiple motor vehicle accidents in two years prior to exam
- No visit to emergency room
Structure/Posture Findings:
- Right tilt of the head
- Right low shoulder
- Right list (lean) of spine
- High left hip crest, with forward rotation of left hip
X-Ray Findings:
- Loss of neck curve and beginning of reverse cervical curve
- Neck leaning to right, with right head tilt
- Upper cervical (orthogonal) x-ray measurements: right type 4 misalignment
X-Ray Dates:
- Before July 2, 2012
- After October 2, 2012
Chiropractic methods: Orthogonal upper cervical chiropractic care, via National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA), and Quantum Spinal Mechanics (QSM3)
Outcomes: Return of cervical curve and resolution of spinal pain and neck pain
Notes for providers:
- No active/passive rehabilitation or traction
- Low force cervical corrections only, without extension/rotation to C1 transverse region
- Side posture patient placement