From An Upper Cervical Chiropractic Perspective


Life In Alignment Patient Reviews Image

I lived in pain ever since my car accident

I seriously am still in awe!

Here is an unsolicited review of Dr. Zachary Ward and Life In Alignment, LC on the practice’s Facebook page.

Chronic Pain Review of Dr. Zachary Ward

I was in a car accident in ’99, and I have lived with pain everyday since. Not always extreme, but pain just the same. Two Sundays ago, I was putting my shoes on and it felt like my back was getting a charlie horse and for two weeks I was crying I was in so much pain!!!!! Mom took me in all hunched over bc it was impossible to stand straight it hurt to breathe, and I couldn’t drive. After the FIRST visit, I walked out upright with MINIMAL pain in my lower back. He doesn’t twist and smash you like regular chiros… I seriously am still in awe!!!!!!! It seems weird to not be in pain all the time. I LOVE IT!!!!!

–Jenn L., Lake Orion, MI

Request your chronic pain consultation via the contact page, or call (248) 598-4002

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