From An Upper Cervical Chiropractic Perspective


Life In Alignment Patient Reviews Auburn Hills MI

Sleeping soundly, better flexibility, less pain

How would your describe your health before you began receiving your adjustments?

Pain in neck and lower back which wasn’t being controlled by strong pain killers.

What is that you heard or read that made you decide to choose my office for chiropractic care?

Found you on the web, looking for a practitioner who was more patient and focused.

What are the three benefits you’ve noticed since you’ve begun upper cervical chiropractic care?

  • Pain reduction so I can return to normal activities.
  • Incredible increase in flexibility. My yoga instructors are amazed!
  • Sleeping soundly through the night.

What aspect of this service have you enjoyed the most?

Being able to return to normal activities. Not having to prioritize my activities by what the pain would allow me to do.

–Pam W.

Request your chronic pain consultation via the contact page, or call (248) 598-4002

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