From An Upper Cervical Chiropractic Perspective


Chronic stomach pain and headache and post TBI

Chronic stomach pain and headache after head injury – 44 year old male

Are you a physician? See the version for physicians.

Upper Cervical Patient Concerns:

A bulging disc in his neck with a pinched nerve. Chronic headaches (for 12 years). Chronic joint pain. Spinal pain. Pain in hips and knees. Constipation. Poor sleep.

(A video version of this summary is available above)

Physical injury:

Traumatic brain injury from work accident (head injury) five years prior

Changes in structure from injury:

Chronic stomach pain and headache and post TBI

  • Right tilt of the head, with neck leaning left, back leaning to the left, and low left shoulder
  • Short left leg of 1 inch but with a high left hip
  • Decreased ability to rotated head to left and right with pain
  • Decreased ability to bend head to side on left and right, with pain toward left
  • Decreased ability to look up, causing pain in mid- back
  • Before and after posture picture on same visit
  • Upper cervical correction on 10/19 and 10/23
  • No adjustment needed between 10/23 and 11/13
  • 11/13 posture photo shows maintenance of structural improvement without pre correction

Chiropractic methods:

Gentle correction to the neck, upper cervical chiropractic care.

Upper Cervical Case Outcomes:

90% or greater resolution of abdominal pain with decreased neck stiffness, decreased headache, neck pain, and left radiating arm pain. Constipation no longer a problem.

Notes for providers:

Are you a physician? See the version for physicians.

  • No active/passive rehabilitation or traction
  • Low force cervical corrections without extension/rotation to C1 transverse region
  • Side posture patient placement
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