From An Upper Cervical Chiropractic Perspective


Dr. Zachary Ward Patient Reviews Image

I feel like I am getting more oxygen to my brain

How would you describe your health before you began receiving your adjustments?

I had sciatica pain that would pop up every so often and sometimes almost cripple me with pain. I have also struggled with memory loss, confusion, and fatigue.

What is it that you heard or read that made you decide to choose my office for chiropractic care?

When I feel tenderness in my body, it usually seems to originate in the neck area. I read that [upper cervical] chiropractic helps align that area and gets the whole body to align and work properly.

Were you skeptical about chiropractic care?

A little. I was only a little skeptical because I have experienced some success with chiropractic in the past, but I am finding this to give me even more success.

What are the three benefits that you’ve noticed since you’ve begun upper cervical chiropractic care?

  1. I have always had a pale complexion in my face…well, for a long time. I have started to regain color and warmth in my face, and my whole body is feeling warmer.
  2. My sciatic pain has really decreased to where I barely experience it any more.
  3. My memory and confusion issues are definitely improved. I feel like I can handle life with more ease without my mind issues getting in the way.

What aspect of this service have you enjoyed the most?

Every time I go, I always fee like I am straighter, and I feel a release as if something has opened up. I feel maybe as if I am getting more oxygen to the brain. I feel like I can handle life better and overall feel really good. I also enjoy that I have learned ways to avoid mis-aligning myself.

–Kelly G.

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