Hi, this is Dr. Zachary Ward at Life In Alignment Chiropractic here in Auburn Hills, Michigan. Facebook.com/LIAChiropractic
We’re going over ten cases in about ten minutes. (Don’t hold me to it.)
Whiplash after car crash- the acceleration-deceleration injury of the neck
We’re on number eight, looking at whiplash after a car accident…The cervical acceleration-deceleration injury.
This patient had already worked with another chiropractor and a physical therapist.
I just want to point something out here on this x-ray…You’re going to see how his right side of the neck is kind of leaning over towards his right, this way. Despite the trauma he has been in, he has a decent cervical curve, with his head in extension, so I know he’s probably going to respond well.
So, this is before and after on the same visit, this is after one correction.
This is after already be working with another chiropractor out of state, and a physical therapist. You can see the way that his neck is deviated off to the right whichvis what we saw on the x-ray, and the way, that his head is coming down on the right side and after working on him for several minutes.
After his first initial correction his neck starts coming back towards the vertical and his head starts coming up on that right side.
And overall he had a major decrease in pain over several weeks working with me. If you have any questions about this case you can contact me via LIAChiro.com or on Facebook.com/LIAChiropractic.
Check out the other videos in this series ten patients in ten minutes.
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