From An Upper Cervical Chiropractic Perspective



Why I won’t let my sons play football – and why the movie “Concussion” featuring Will Smith should have a sequel

Dr. Bennet Omalu held the brains of many famous men in his hands. Brains donated to him by athletes (mostly NFL players) after their death. And Dr. Omalu himself will become more famous – more famous perhaps than he is now – when box office superstar Will Smith plays him

Why I won’t let my sons play football – and why the movie “Concussion” featuring Will Smith should have a sequel Read More »

Concussion versus whiplash or neck alignment

Concussion as a neck problem not just a head problem? Why you need a second opinion for post-concussion syndrome

It’s the start of the fall sports season, which means more kids are going to be sidelined by concussions. (And some will even get concussions that go unrecognized and not diagnosed by a doctor – more on that below…) Many of those will recover without much suffering. But others will

Concussion as a neck problem not just a head problem? Why you need a second opinion for post-concussion syndrome Read More »

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