From An Upper Cervical Chiropractic Perspective



Are you a bag of water? The lie biology told us – Modern Fundamentals of Chiropractic #3

The little white lie biology told us and what that has to do with the relationship between chemical and mechanical and our understanding of ourselves. “Is it alive?” How do we know something is living? This might sound like a silly question, but it’s an important one for philosophers and […]

Are you a bag of water? The lie biology told us – Modern Fundamentals of Chiropractic #3 Read More »

Why people go crazy in this super quiet room – Modern Fundamentals of Chiropractic #2

There is a place on Earth where normal human beings will go crazy if locked inside too long. It’s said that 45 minutes is the max most people can take it. What happens in this room, and what can it tell us about staying healthy for life? This laboratory isn’t

Why people go crazy in this super quiet room – Modern Fundamentals of Chiropractic #2 Read More »

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