From An Upper Cervical Chiropractic Perspective


neck pain

How two patients found help with arm nerve pain (radiculopathy), even with a bad MRI

Radiculopathy or radicular pain is often called a “pinched nerve.” It is a pain that travels (radiates) down the arm, often from the shoulder down to the hand. The term pinched nerve comes from the fact that, in many cases, there is something in or around the spinal cord in […]

How two patients found help with arm nerve pain (radiculopathy), even with a bad MRI Read More »

Three things you think are helping your neck, but aren’t – Some controversial thoughts about the neck

The subtitle of this article is “controversial thoughts about the neck” because we’re about to contradict some of common sense wisdom about caring for the neck. In fact, this information may contradict some information you’ve received from some really great providers who you know and trust. And the point isn’t

Three things you think are helping your neck, but aren’t – Some controversial thoughts about the neck Read More »

Neck curve change Life In Alignment Chiropractic

Can your pain pill do this? 3 impossible before and after pictures

Are you trained to go the medicine cabinet any time you have a headache? Or neck pain? Or some other sort of ache or pain? Here’s a secret: very few chronic aches and pains happen because of a shortage of Advil, Tyelenol, or Bayer in your blood stream. In other

Can your pain pill do this? 3 impossible before and after pictures Read More »

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