From An Upper Cervical Chiropractic Perspective


neck pain

Neck curve change Life In Alignment Chiropractic

Can your pain pill do this? 3 impossible before and after pictures

Are you trained to go the medicine cabinet any time you have a headache? Or neck pain? Or some other sort of ache or pain? Here’s a secret: very few chronic aches and pains happen because of a shortage of Advil, Tyelenol, or Bayer in your blood stream. In other

Can your pain pill do this? 3 impossible before and after pictures Read More »

Dr. Zachary Ward Patient Reviews Image

Sleeping patterns have improved with upper cervical chiropractic

How would you describe your health before you began receiving your spinal corrections? I was generally in good health other than having headaches, neck pain, and lower back pain. Went to my physician and former chiropractor without much relief. What is it that you heard or read that made you

Sleeping patterns have improved with upper cervical chiropractic Read More »

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