From An Upper Cervical Chiropractic Perspective



Three things you think are helping your neck, but aren’t – Some controversial thoughts about the neck

The subtitle of this article is “controversial thoughts about the neck” because we’re about to contradict some of common sense wisdom about caring for the neck. In fact, this information may contradict some information you’ve received from some really great providers who you know and trust. And the point isn’t […]

Three things you think are helping your neck, but aren’t – Some controversial thoughts about the neck Read More »

Title image for the blogpost about the NeckCare Device

This is why we use the neckcare device to improve patient outcomes

This a story on why I added a cutting edge technology to my chiropractic practice. But before it becomes a “rah-rah” post about how great the technology is, first we have to have brief conversation about clinical tech in general. The wrong tech can be a waste of patient time,

This is why we use the neckcare device to improve patient outcomes Read More »

What does a reverse neck curve look like when it corrects (video)

We look at two cases of serious reverse curve (C-shaped) moving towards straight, with two different symptom patterns: head/neck and shoulder. These cases are featured because they are realistic both in the their changes, and their time frames. There are different kind of reverse neck curves Recently I took a

What does a reverse neck curve look like when it corrects (video) Read More »

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