From An Upper Cervical Chiropractic Perspective



Title image for the blogpost about the NeckCare Device

This is why we use the neckcare device to improve patient outcomes

This a story on why I added a cutting edge technology to my chiropractic practice. But before it becomes a “rah-rah” post about how great the technology is, first we have to have brief conversation about clinical tech in general. The wrong tech can be a waste of patient time, […]

This is why we use the neckcare device to improve patient outcomes Read More »

How to make deskwork less painfull - ergonomics

These four changes will make working from home less painful

Conquer these simple ergonomics mistakes without (unnecessarily) buying another product. And truth be told, these changes will also make working at the office feel better too. Part one of our ergonomics series was mostly about your options for ending low back discomfort working from home. We went over several different

These four changes will make working from home less painful Read More »

What are my treatment options for pelvic floor pain from pudendal neuralgia or pudendal nerve entrapment?

The challenge of treating pudendal neuralgia comes from the difficulty of recognizing it. It’s common for male patients to consult with multiple doctors only to be (potentially mis) diagnosed with a with a prostate problem. Currently there is no definitive “gold-standard” imaging or other kind of diagnostic tests for pudendal

What are my treatment options for pelvic floor pain from pudendal neuralgia or pudendal nerve entrapment? Read More »

Scoliosis in middle age: common questions and one woman’s story

I have scoliosis and I’m middle aged. Is it too late for me to get help from a chiropractor? Plus… One woman’s story after four weeks of spinal care with scoliosis And answering your common questions about scoliosis in adulthood by a doctor who works with adults with scoliosis Most

Scoliosis in middle age: common questions and one woman’s story Read More »

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