From An Upper Cervical Chiropractic Perspective



Nature loves your curves: the clues of the patterns in your spine

The spiral is one of the most common patterns in nature. And many such spirals can even be measured to have similar proportions, sometimes called a golden ratio. If you want to read more about it, search the “Fibbonacci sequence in nature” in your favorite search engine, or check out this […]

Nature loves your curves: the clues of the patterns in your spine Read More »

Is this why I’m healing slower than I expected?

One powerful reason why some spinal healing takes longer than anticipated. Healing in most body tissues requires clotting and inflammation Healing from any injury requires inflammation. And almost everywhere in the body, the first part of the inflammatory process requires some sort of clotting. Clotting is where blood cells and

Is this why I’m healing slower than I expected? Read More »

Ready to blow? Are disc issues and spine pain just waiting to happen?

TURGOR! This weird word can describe you. And your plants. Turgor in tissues is created by water balance Turgor is the scientific word for the balance balance between pliability and stiffness or rigidity in something living. It’s created by having a good balance of water inside the cells and outside

Ready to blow? Are disc issues and spine pain just waiting to happen? Read More »

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