Upper Cervical Chiropractic Cases from Dr. Zachary Ward

Before & After

When Your Body Gets Locked Into . We Can Help Unlock It

You can see it for yourself in the mirror, if you know what to look for.

Big and small accidents cause your body to shift and lock down into a stressed position.  Some talk about shifting posture. And many others just ignore it. But at Life In Alignment, we see consistent changes in your chronic pain and other conditions using a specific protocol to unlock the spine and bring it to better balance.

We don’t just talk about improved spinal balance. We measure it as it changes.

The following “before and after cases” show how your spine can shift from unhealthy to healthy, and from abnormal to normal. And how quickly these positive changes often happen when the right approach is used.

Can you see the difference?

Before and After - UC Chiropractic Cases

How to end chronic daily headaches

How was I able to help a patient end 50+ days of a chronic daily headache? What could I see on a simple x-ray that radiologists could not see on a CT scan or an MRI? Why did it take a referral from a family friend to get this patient ...
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Neck curve change Life In Alignment Chiropractic
Before and After - UC Chiropractic Cases

Can your pain pill do this? 3 impossible before and after pictures

Are you trained to go the medicine cabinet any time you have a headache? Or neck pain? Or some other sort of ache or pain? Here’s a secret: very few chronic aches and pains happen because of a shortage of Advil, Tyelenol, or Bayer in your blood stream. In other ...
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Post Concussion Brain Fog Neck Alignment
Before and After - UC Chiropractic Cases

Post-concussion syndrome, brain fog, and neck alignment? Really?

It’s important to know that if the body has experienced enough trauma to have a mild brain injury, it has experienced enough trauma to have a neck injury. This video on alignment and post-concussion syndrome show why: The following is from a feedback form taken from a high school student, ...
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Before and After - UC Chiropractic Cases

Facial pain before and after neck alignment (video)

Learn why Trigeminal Neuralgia may be more common than we know. What treatment options are available for TN and other kinds of facial pain. And why neck alignment matters in cases of facial pain. “Like my face was on fire.” That’s how some people with Trigeminal Neuralgia describe the condition. ...
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Reverse cervical curve before and after Life In Alignment Auburn Hills Michigan
Before and After - UC Chiropractic Cases

Severe pain near shoulder blade – 33 year old male

Patient D was in middle of a four day pain attack in his upper right shoulder blade when we came into my office. He had experienced pain like this before, but not to this degree of severity. The pain was in his upper back, just to the middle of of ...
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Pudendal Nerve Pain and Upper Cerviacal Chiropractic Before and After Posture
Before and After - UC Chiropractic Cases

UPDATE Genital pain – and hip pain – one man’s experience with upper cervical chiropractic

These are the responses from S., a 50 plus year old male, who experienced pain in the pudendal nerve for many decades. S. had problems getting a pudendal neuralgia diagnosis from most of his providers. His pain also occurred with a right hip/buttock pain. Most of his providers focused on ...
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Upper Cervical Success Stories

Life In ALignment Patient Reviews Image

It is so different…

How would you describe your health before you began receiving your adjustments? Soreness all of the time. What is it that you heard or read ...
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Dr. Zachary Ward Patient Reviews Image

Major increase in neck mobility

How would you describe your health before you began receiving your adjustments? Low energy, tense, sluggish, tender, and tight. What is it that you heard ...
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Patient Review Life In Alignment Chiropractic Auburn Hills

It was hard to sit still

How would you describe your health before you began receiving your adjustments? Hard to sit still. In constant pain. What is it that you heard ...
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Life In Alignment Patient Reviews Auburn Hills MI

This is a biggie, the pain is gone

How would you describe your health before you began receiving your adjustments? Constant pain (years and years) in my left hip and leg and a ...
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Dr. Zachary Ward Patient Reviews Image

I feel like I am getting more oxygen to my brain

How would you describe your health before you began receiving your adjustments? I had sciatica pain that would pop up every so often and sometimes ...
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Runner’s Knee and Upper Cervical Chiropractic

Runner's knee and upper cervical chiropractic care? This original story appeared in the Fall 2o13 NUCCA News, the quarterly newsletter of the the National Upper ...
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