Upper Cervical Chiropractic Cases from Dr. Zachary Ward

Before & After

When Your Body Gets Locked Into . We Can Help Unlock It

You can see it for yourself in the mirror, if you know what to look for.

Big and small accidents cause your body to shift and lock down into a stressed position.  Some talk about shifting posture. And many others just ignore it. But at Life In Alignment, we see consistent changes in your chronic pain and other conditions using a specific protocol to unlock the spine and bring it to better balance.

We don’t just talk about improved spinal balance. We measure it as it changes.

The following “before and after cases” show how your spine can shift from unhealthy to healthy, and from abnormal to normal. And how quickly these positive changes often happen when the right approach is used.

Can you see the difference?

Before and After - UC Chiropractic Cases

Vertigo can be caused by neck alignment (video)

Where vertigo comes from is a huge question that a lot of people have. Especially because vertigo symptoms are so confusing, and can include and be confused for dizziness, nausea, lightheadedness, and even  migraine, anxiety, and motion sickness. As an upper cervical chiropractor, I am very aware of the primary ...
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Before and After - UC Chiropractic Cases

Correcting the S-shaped neck curve (video)

Hello Dr. Zachary Ward back with another “Ten Patients in Ten Minutes” In this episode we’re talking about a female in her mid-30s with migraines, head sensitivities, left ear plugged, sense of brain fog, anxiety, chest pain…whole gamut of symptoms and of course a reverse curve.   And this is ...
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Before and After - UC Chiropractic Cases

Solving neck pain after whiplash (video)

Hi, this is Dr. Zachary Ward at Life In Alignment Chiropractic here in Auburn Hills, Michigan. Facebook.com/LIAChiropractic We’re going over ten cases in about ten minutes. (Don’t hold me to it.) Whiplash after car crash- the acceleration-deceleration injury of the neck We’re on number eight, looking at whiplash after a ...
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Before and After - UC Chiropractic Cases

Improving upright posture and pelvis alignment in a long distance runner

Can long distance runners improve their overall body posture by focusing on the head-to-neck alignment? Yes and no. It depends on if they are self-correcting or receiving a correction. This case study from our practice and a little bit of research sheds light on this important topic. Focusing on the ...
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Before and After - UC Chiropractic Cases

Leg numbness and chronic low back pain – after spine surgery

He looked in the mirror and was surprised to see what he saw in front of him… His upper body leaning to his right, while his neck leaned to his left, and his head rotated to the same side. Clearly he was putting far more weight on his right foot ...
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Before and After - UC Chiropractic Cases

Scoliosis in middle age: common questions and one woman’s story

I have scoliosis and I’m middle aged. Is it too late for me to get help from a chiropractor? Plus… One woman’s story after four weeks of spinal care with scoliosis And answering your common questions about scoliosis in adulthood by a doctor who works with adults with scoliosis Most ...
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Upper Cervical Success Stories

Dr. Zachary Ward Patient Reviews Image

Dr. Ward listens and never makes assumptions

Here is an unsolicited review on Facebook: Thank you to Carrie for sharing her experience and getting the word out about specific cervical care and ...
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Dr. Zachary Ward Patient Reviews Image

Sleeping patterns have improved with upper cervical chiropractic

How would you describe your health before you began receiving your spinal corrections? I was generally in good health other than having headaches, neck pain, ...
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Life In Alignment Patient Reviews Auburn Hills MI

There are more knowledgeable chiropractors

How would you describe your health before you began receiving your spinal corrections? Pain in my left low side and hamstring muscles. Pain across lower ...
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Ricki Lake NUCCA infant reflux story Dr. Giancarlo Licata

Baby’s severe gastric reflux ends after watching episode of Ricki Lake?

When Sylvia Herrera’s infant daughter Alexa kept spitting up her bottle, baby Alexa ended up with a diagnosis of acid reflux (severe colic), and a ...
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Life In ALignment Patient Reviews Image

Excruciating facial pain not responding to medication?

What would you do if you faced Ryan’s painful situation? When does a pain in the face start as a pain in the neck? Thanks ...
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Dr. Zachary Ward Patient Reviews Image

I experienced vertigo symptoms

How would you describe your health before you began receiving your upper cervical chiropractic adjustments? It varied. I experienced vertigo symptoms that were incapacitating. What ...
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