There is a lot of debate on the internet on how to improve and perfect your posture. Many of those participating in this debate have their opinions on the value of including chiropractic care.
Some say that chiropractic care is an essential component of improving the balance of the spine and improving the look of the posture. Others say that the benefits of chiropractic care on posture are at worst pointless, and at best, overstated, and exercise and physical therapy are the way to go.
As a structural chiropractor using upper cervical chiropractic procedures, I have my own perspective on this debate. The purpose of this post isn’t to share that perspective in detail, but it is to collect a series of 10 different chiropractic cases in my office that showed a positive shift toward balanced posture.
Four facts about these 10 cases of positive postural shift after structural chiropractic care
Here are a few things to know about this group of patients as a whole:
- Some of these shifts happened after several weeks, but many happened after a single visit
- These posture shifts were sustainable over time (several months), as shown through long term follow up with these patients
- In eight of out ten cases, this posture shift was associated with an improvement in the patient’s symptoms
- In two cases, the patient were asymptomatic, and were not coming in for a particular issue, but both experienced positive changes in the posture even without having a primary symptom of complaint
What symptoms showed improvement in the following patients?
Here are some of the symptoms featured in the following cases:
- trigeminal neuralgia facial pain/jaw pain
- leg numbness
- chronic low back pain
- acute low back pain/unable to stand upright
- pelvic floor pain
- post-concussion syndrome
- neck and shoulder pain
What other tools or therapies were used to help shift their posture?
There were no other therapies or devices other than chiropractic adjustments, including adjustments that focus on soft tissue.
Some people associate structural chiropractic care with functional exercises, mirror-imaging postural exercises, and traction and/or extension devices. While I’m sure these tools are helpful, none of these kinds of therapies or strategies were used with any of these patients.
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