From An Upper Cervical Chiropractic Perspective


Life In ALignment Patient Reviews Image

No more headaches, fewer neck spasms, and calmer moods

What was life like before upper cervical care?

I was tired a lot and the numbness/spasms in my neck were making me crazy and irritable.

What is it that you heard or read that made you decide to choose my office for care?

My daughter has raved about the wonderful changes in her body since her treatment began.

What are the benefits you’ve noticed since you’ve begun upper cervical chiropractic care?

  • The numbness spasms in my neck are only a couple of times per week, compared to multiple of times a day.
  • No headaches….ever.
  • I am calmer, with better moods.

What aspect of this service have you enjoyed the most?

You! I have never head a doctor explain in detail what exactly is going on. You have a very positive outlook and you are always in a good mood.

–Jo S.

Ready to start the conversation about your problem? Request your consultation via the contact page, or call (248) 598-4002

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